I wonder whether to come at this question from the opposite view point. What would happen if we were immoral? What then would the world look like? What would we lose? Might individuals actually be in a position to gain?
If I am moral is it because morality is a given in the world or because I want to live in a society that promotes benefits for all of us (utilitarianism I think)?
If I recognise the common humanity that binds us all is it encumbent on me to behave in a moral way, recognising that other person, just because I acknowledge her humanity and that she exists?
What would happen if I were threatened eg you will kill or be killed? If it were just me I would rather die but say - it was my family. How then? Would I be moral then and do the right thing?
If I am moral is it because morality is a given in the world or because I want to live in a society that promotes benefits for all of us (utilitarianism I think)?
If I recognise the common humanity that binds us all is it encumbent on me to behave in a moral way, recognising that other person, just because I acknowledge her humanity and that she exists?
What would happen if I were threatened eg you will kill or be killed? If it were just me I would rather die but say - it was my family. How then? Would I be moral then and do the right thing?